Host Go Web App on GCP With Cloud Run and Cloud SQL

Overview In this article we will host a Go Web App using Google Cloud Run and also connect it Cloud SQL. This way we will be having a fully functioning Serverless Web App that connected to databases.. Goals & Milestone Here are few goals of this project: Create & Prepare Cloud SQL Build and Upload App Image to GCR Deploy GCR Image To Cloud Run And Connect To Cloud SQL Prerequisite Google Cloud Account...

November 15, 2021 · 7 min · Me

How to Host Database on Google Cloud SQL

Overview In this article we will talk about how we can create a database in google cloud Cloud SQL. Cloud SQL is a fully-managed database service that helps you set up, maintain, manage, and administer your relational databases on Google Cloud Platform. You can use Cloud SQL with MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server. from : Prerequisite Google Cloud Account Database Tool I am using DBeaver...

November 10, 2021 · 5 min · Me

Dockerize and Push Golang Web App to Google Container Registry (GCR)

Dockerizing Golang Web App to Google Container Registry Hi! in this article we will discuss about how can we dockerize existing Golang web app and upload our image to Google Container Registry. Prerequisite : Docker Installed I am using docker for windows, version Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350 Golang Web App You could use your existing Golang web app, use my boilerplate code from the source section, or just create your own basic web app....

October 25, 2021 · 6 min · Me

AWS Data Storage Services

Introduction Recently I have been digging into AWS, for a beginner like me many types of data store in AWS quite confused me. In this article I will try to simply explain what I know so far. few topics that will be discussed in this article such as : Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) Amazon Relational Database service (Amazon RDS) Amazon Dynamo DB Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) When using EC2 instance, often we will need to access to a block level storage (hard disk) just like a normal machine would do, EC2 provided multiple ways for us to communicate with a block level storage....

July 7, 2021 · 6 min · Me

Deploy A NodeJS App With Google Cloud App Engine

Introduction In this article we will discuss how can we deploy a NodeJS App using google cloud app engine. We will deploy a backend application to the app engine. Requirements Google Cloud Accounts Installed NodeJS in your local machine Preparation Installing The Cloud SDK In this article we will be deploying our cloud app engine using google cloud SDK, it is simply a CLI Environment that you could install on your machine to interact with the google cloud services....

June 2, 2021 · 3 min · Me

Google Cloud Storage With Nodejs

Introduction Google cloud storage is a service that enables you to store object in the cloud. But wait what is object? Simply object is a file be it a pdf, image, zip or anything else. Any kind of file that stored in the cloud will be called object. And just like a file system in your operating system, you could also create a folder to group the files. In the operating system your file and folder are stored on a disk, disk are equivalent to a bucket in the google cloud storage....

May 20, 2021 · 6 min · Me