CI CD an Overview

Overview In this article we will be learning about CI/CD. What is it? Why you should care? How to do it? What is CI/CD? CI CD are two different things, but both of them are still in the scope of software development. CI/CD are software development practices that enables faster development and deployments. Simply CI/CD can provide you with a pipeline that can automate the process of test, build, and deployments....

September 23, 2021 · 5 min · Me

Proxy and Reverse Proxy

Proxy Proxy or also known as Forward Proxy, are server that act as a gateway between you and the internet. Proxy server act as an intermediary server separating the end user and the website they browse. Other than forwarding web request modern proxy server do cool things such as : Access Control Balance Traffic Caching Logging Anonymous Access The most simple example of proxy is when you are trying to access a website but then it says that it is blocked....

April 11, 2021 · 5 min · Me

Database Sharding

Database Sharding Any website or application eventually will grow big and scaling is inevitable, it is required to accommodate increase in traffic and space usage. Not only to scale but it is also critical to ensure data security and integrity. So what is database Sharding? Sharding involves breaking tables into table rows into multiple table it is related to a database architecture pattern called Horizontal Partitioning. Different partition will have the same column structure but have totally different rows of data....

April 3, 2021 · 6 min · Me